
Posts Tagged ‘tea party’

In one of the mindless media reports today, the reporter shared something to the effect that the Tea Party Convention in Nashville was full of harsh rhetoric against Barack Obama and his voters. The reporter claimed that such “harsh rhetoric” would keep the Tea Party from being taken seriously and keep them on the fringe.

 I couldn’t help but think that such a statement was so hypocritical given the offensive, fraudulent, and vile rhetoric we have to hear from so many in Washington, D.C. as of late, including from our Usurper in Chief.

 “The United States is not a Christian nation”

 “I must apologize for the United States.”

The DHS diatribe believing that those who sustain and support the U.S. Constitution are somehow predisposed to be terrorists to our nation and that returned military veterans are more susceptible to such dangerous ideology as well. 

Most Americans today could go on and on adding to this list of untruths.  Even more importantly, I believe that the majority of the words I hear coming from Washington D.C. and the lap dogs in our mainstream media are not even conveyed with any intention of being informative or accurate, rather to sway and manipulate.  And to me that makes them the defilers of truth and leaders of the most harshest scheme of all.

 Now that, my friends is “harsh rhetoric.”

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By Kellene Bishop

Knowing what you know now, would you have the courage or determination to stop Adolf Hitler if he were still in power today? What if he were doing to your own country what he did to so many others? Would you then take action? I sure hope so. It is based on my belief that most of us would actually take action against him today that I write this article. Hitler is no longer with us, of course, but his puppeteers and the organization that HE reported to are still very much alive and well. So my question to you is, what are you, as an American and a Christian willing to do about those who are even worse that the evil Fuhrer?

Fact: Hitler’s fascist dream was fully funded by those who were more rich and powerful than he was. In fact, this was done specifically as a test to determine whether or not the fascist economy was feasible. Hitler provided the perfect character and Germany provided the perfect demographics to those who were pulling the strings for this experiment.  (See Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Anthony Sutton)

So, who are these puppeteers? Unfortunately their presence is vast and found abundantly in every government throughout the world. They represent the top 10% of the entire wealth of the world. They perpetuate their desires for more money and more power through organizations such as the New World Order, the United Nations, the Tri-lateral Commission, the Illuminati, and other like organizations. Yes, the Nazi movement was funded by American AND European international bankers. The whole plan was not simply to take over Germany, but more specifically to take over Russia which had a great deal of land mass, population, and natural resources. As any student of Russian history can see, this powerful group of conspirators has been very successful in running Russia and its Communistic agenda. As you know, WWII was able to bring about much destruction to Russia, and it was certainly successful in infiltrating their monetary system, government, and culture which remains in place today. (These same groups also funded and manipulated the Bolshevik Revolution, prior to WWII in order to pave the way for their plans. John Schiff, for example, a very prominent member of the New York wealthy contributed about $20,000,000 for the Bolshevik Revolution. There were also many other New York firms who contributed as well. (See Secret Records Revealed by Dennis Laurence Cuddy, PhD, pg. 28). So, what’s next? Where else is there an intelligent and talented population, a great deal of land mass, and natural resources? Um…that would be the United States of America. A reasonable, yet diabolical, plan would be to crumble the United States while also perpetuating the threat of conflict between these two powerhouse nations. While such an assertion will officially “out” me as a “nut,” I feel that I must shed some light on this matter because I know it’s true. I know this is real. I pray that there are those who will read this and ask themselves some of the same questions.

As I was doing some more research recently regarding the Federal Reserve, NWO, and the United Nations, I was struck with this concept. I found myself asking this question: “Surely no American would tolerate Hitler’s behavior today, but would they be willing to tolerate the actions and sheer evil of those who influenced Hitler?” I have to believe that the answer is NO. I have to believe that Americans will wake up to the fact that we are being manipulated in every possible, way, shape, and form possible by those who believe they pull the strings and hold all of the power. I may be naïve to think that we would all look up from our Guitar Hero II, Facebook, or other addictions long enough to take notice of what is actually going on, let alone do something about it. But I can at least hope.

So what is it exactly that “they” are doing? They are carrying out their objective to rewrite our entire way of life. The New World Order for example has a very clear and concise set of goals.

1)     Abolish Monarch and all ordered Government

2)     Abolish Private Property

3)     Abolish Inheritance

4)     Abolish Patriotism

5)     Abolish the Family

6)     Abolish all religion

(See World Revolution by Nesta Webster)

Well, let’s look at the first one. They sure are making a dent, aren’t they? What government we do have has been infiltrated with ulterior motives, complacency, and every possible violation against the U.S. Constitution possible. We cease to have a government when our government officials are acting improperly and in violation of our own laws. In spite of us having three branches of government intended to uphold and protect the U.S. Constitution, every branch of our government has succumbed to corruption and treasonous acts. Our executive branch, for example–Clinton illegally calling us into the war in Kosovo for 78 days. Only Congress has such authority and yet Clinton got away with it without so much as a “boo” from anyone. No Congressional investigation. No media coverage. No outcry. Legislation is taking place from our Judiciary branch of government rather than upholding the law. Did you know that you’re not even permitted to bring up the Constitution when arguing a case?! You have to cite another, previous case. You cannot bring up the U.S. Constitution when supporting a case and expect it to have any weight! Lastly we have our legislative branch supporting illegal and unconstitutional laws knowingly, and even worse unknowingly, because they can’t be bothered to even read the proposed legislation. So why are these persons behaving this way and compromising everything we hold dear? Because they are clearly being influenced by those who have the money. Why in the world do you think that we went after Saddam Hussein instead of some enemies of the U.S. who are an even bigger threat to us such as some Chinese persons? Oh, that would be because we can’t make any waves with the Chinese. They own us. They are carrying too much of our debt.  Instead we manipulate the media and portray Hussein as enemy number 1, bring about a war so that the “powers that be” can reap huge profits, and do the bidding as the world’s police enforcement as desired by the United Nations. Yeah, Hussein was horrid. But he’s nowhere NEAR the threat that the media would have had us believe. We simply had to be manipulated to be completely behind the war against him and his nation in order for the plan to be carried out. We don’t even have to go outside of our own country to find villains who are much worse than Hussein. Our government is definitely not intact, folks.

Second: Private Property. Yup. They’ve pretty much demolished that as indicated by the big check that everyone has to write this time of year. Even with a completely free and clear home, we are still obligated to pay our property taxes.  We also have to pay taxes again and again on the supplies which we purchase for our business. You see folks, if you don’t have property, you are not truly free. We all instinctively require a place to call home. We need a holy abode that is ours to flourish in, raise a family, teach, worship, and live as we please. If we never truly have our own home, then we are never free to just be. This is precisely why private property is on the radar of the conspirators.

Third: Inheritance. This is the same as private property. Death is inevitable to all men. But if we have a bunch of oppressive and overwhelming laws that makes the passing down of property and wealth to someone else then it compounds and makes a lay citizen wealthy with time. However, if the inheritance is taxed out the wazoo, then with every death that takes place in our nation, the powerful become more wealthy and it’s only a matter of time until they own the majority of it all.

Fourth: Patriotism. Do I need to address anything else other than how the DHS heads are attempting to portray the patriotic in this nation? Remember, the media is OWNED, lock, stock and barrel, by the wealthy conspirators. They got paid plenty of money to portray the Tea Parties with unrepeatable descriptions!  (Also, keep in mind that DHS came to be because of an act of war. Contrived? Yup. Coincidence? I think not.)

Fifth: The abolishment of the family. In other words marriage, morality, the education of our children, etc. are all under attack. Let’s diminish the role of the parents in the lives of the children. Let’s minimize the value of a child. Let’s tax married couples more than we tax single parents. That’s right. Let’s assign a financial penalty for being married and then while we’re at it, let’s desecrate what marriage even is. Let’s give the government authority to step in and take children from their parents without any legal prudence. In fact, just to show how worthless a marriage and fidelity is, let’s elect prominent government officials and parade around their infidelity! Also, let’s keep siblings away from each other. Forget that there is a foster family that’s fully willing to take ALL THREE boys under the age of 8 into their loving home. Let’s be a just plain stupid judge and send one of the boys to a foster home that doesn’t have the time, inclination, or desire to take care of him. Yup. The very existence of a family is under attack at every possible turn.

And lastly, abolish religion. This is the most frightening one of all. In the name of “religious freedom” all three branches of our government have curbed the freedom of religious expression to make broad room for the expression of NO religion. Don’t people realize that Satanism and atheism is not a religion? The founding fathers intended to protect religion, not those who have no religious belief. I can burn a flag, but I cannot pledge to it. I can get on my knees in submission to a warrantless arrest, but I cannot kneel in prayer in public lands. Yes, our religious freedom, our families, our patriotism, our inheritance of values and property, as well as our property and government have all been chiseled down to represent a more fascist world of power.

So in closing, I ask the same question I began with. Are you willing to stop the very same evil that drove Hitler’s actions?

Copyright 2009 Kellene Bishop.  All rights reserved.  You are welcome to repost this information so long as it is credited to Kellene Bishop.

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This past 4th of July weekend, thousands of individuals got together for Tea Parties all over the United States for many purposes.  One of which was to send politicians a clear message of how they truly felt about what is going on in D.C.  Unfortunately, it’s obvious that some politicians are clueless even when the message is staring them straight on.  Enter stage left, Cherilyn Eagar who’s running against Bob Bennett for a Utah Senate seat.  On Independence Day she chose to “honor” the wishes of her desired constituents, not by rallying for independence, but simply by doing more of the same ole game–politicking.

At an Independence Day event in Orem, even after being asked by an event official not to desecrate the sanctity of a true Independence Day celebration with her postcards and politicking, she refused to stop.

Being partially in charge of security detail for the event, it was my job to ensure that presently elected officials or “wannabes” were mindful that we had promised all who attended that they would experience a NON-campaigning event.  Just as there is a time and place for bowling, so is there a time and place for campaigning.  The Orem Patriot Day 4th of July Tea Party was not one of those times.  This event was solely for the purpose to truly celebrate our Independence Day.  On the 4th of July, at Lakeridge Jr. High, Cherilyn Eagar chose to disrespect “We the People” by ignoring repeated requests to refrain from politicking/campaigning.  Even after a polite request was issued to her, she refused to stop.  Apparently, her objective of campaigning was much more important than the wishes of “We the People” who desired to take a break from having campaign promises stuffed down our throats and instead to let our politicians know what it is we wanted.

Swooping in on her broom with a member of her minion in tow, Cherilyn began stepping in front of those who were viewing the speakers and entertainment and passing out her paraphernalia.  With the assurances that this event was a “politician-free zone” many attendees were caught off guard and innocently accepted her wares.  Fortunately, I was one of the first to be given her clutter.  When I noticed what it was that she was handing out and why she was there, I made it known to “Igor” that this was promoted as a non-campaigning event and that we would prefer that she not dispense her information at this time.  Igor attempted to get such a message through to Cherilyn, but she refused to take heed.  Apparently she felt that she knew better what this group needed.  Sound familiar?  Instead, she icily informed me that this was a “public” place and that we had elected officials present.

Yes, Ms. Eagar.  The Lakeridge Jr. High did offer their property for the purpose of our event.  And yes, Madame, there were public officials present.  However, some of these publicly elected officials were INVITED to speak with the strict understanding that NO campaigning would take place.  Unlike Ms. Eager, Representative Brad Daw and Utah Attorney General, Mark Shurtleff honored such a request by their constituents.  They weren’t politicians that day, unlike yourself.  They were Americans rallying for freedom.  They understood perfectly the real purpose of that day.

Unfortunately Ms. Eagar showed her true patriotic colors that day and was narrowly focused on her own private objective.  As such she missed the desires of We the People that day.  Instead she depicted the epitome of what’s wrong with America—politicians more concerned about their own multi-trillion dollar objectives.  Of all days, Ms. Eagar proved this most poignantly on the 4th of July.  After a short while of being rebuffed by other citizens in the group, Ms. Eagar approached me and informed me she “had to go to other events.”  She said to me—and YES, I do quote—“You understand how the game is played.”  Yes, Madame, I do understand how the game is played.  And it’s exactly your kind of game that infuriates me.

Eager specifically talks in her campaign agenda about her desire for “new blood” in Washington, D.C.  Unfortunately, she showed this past Saturday that the colors of her blood are hued with a self-serving agenda, not a blood of sacrifice for freedom of “We the People.”  And by the way, Ms. Eagar, my freedom is NOT a game.  I do not take it lightly.  Nor do I take your attempt to irreverently tread on it that day lightly either.  In my opinion, due to the freedoms that our independence ensures, it’s the most important religious holiday in my book.  This past 4th of July gave those of us who are serious about our Freedom and Liberty an opportunity to gather and to strengthen our love and loyalty for this blessed nation.  You may have just as well come barging into the middle of a Sunday church service and started passing out your empty promises as to have interrupted a true celebration of freedom and independence that day.  Let the record show your true intentions towards the people of my Utah.  Please exit stage right.

Copyright 2009 Kellene Bishop. All rights reserved.  You are welcome to repost this information so long as it is credited to Kellene Bishop.  

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tea-party-mapOver 2,000 tea parties were held throughout the U.S. on April 15, over 700 of them in major cities.  By all estimates there were overwhelming numbers of attendees at these events, highlighting it as a marked moment in history.  Even in light of all of the other movements (such as the Vietnam War, civil rights, women’s right to vote, etc.) which have all notably marked our history, this is the first time that everyday citizens have rallied in such record numbers.  Even more significant is that the majority of those who attended these Tea Parties had never attended a rally previously.  That’s right.  These were not paid ACLU or ACORN advocates orchestrating a fake grassroots movement.  These were everyday Americans, leaving the comfort of their security, even some taking time off from work, to finally let their voices be heard.  Thousands came out in spite of severe inclement weather.  But that’s not the story.  The story is the story.


On April 15th and all day yesterday, no major newspaper or mainstream news station (non-cable) covered this story with any more time or emphasis than they would have a basement flooding in a person’s home.  Network news didn’t cover it, except that NBC personally, on a 3rd grade level, attacked the folks who showed up for such events.  Not so surprising was CNN represented by a female reporter who was blatantly prosecutorial throughout the course of her “interviewing” of Tea Party attendees.  THIS was the story in spite of the fact that this act of so many, even novices, gathering in protest of their government was a truly historical day. 


tea-party-protest-chicagoAnd yet how were the acts of these modern-day Patriots portrayed?  With scoffs, and “intellectual” scorns.  Their intelligence was insulted.  Their education was questioned.  Even their virtue and parental capabilities were slandered.  Not by a few, but by the mainstream media.  Does anybody wonder why an “Us vs. Them” mentality has begun to manifest itself in our America?  Better yet, does anyone wonder why newspapers are now begging for a bailout?  Pelosi has the audacity to call these historical efforts “astroturf” contrived by the wealthy.  Really?  Raise your hand if you were compensated one penny to protest at a Tea Party.  Better yet, raise your hand if it actually COST you money to be there.


As honest, law-abiding, tax-paying citizens took to the streets to make their rationale voices heard, the cowardly sheep stayed at work on their computers posting anonymous comments as to the caliber of the individuals doing so.  One person commented on the “lack of education” of those who would take such proactive actions.  I ask you—you, who cowers in your cubicle to mock those who stand—just how much education does one need in order to understand that they are being raped and pillaged?  They don’t need to have an understanding of the constitution to know that they’ve got more bills than they have money right now.  They don’t need a PhD to understand that they’ve been laid off of their jobs.  And are you aware, Oh Stupid One, that the majority of the millions of Americans who laid the groundwork of this United States only had the education equivalent of our present fourth grade level? 


tea-party-cant-fix-stupidWas the Boston Tea Party of 1773 merely “astroturf,” Pelosi?  In my patriotic, fed up opinion, those who would deride the genuine efforts of April 15th are indeed the enemy of our freedoms.  Regardless of what position they hold, what power they wield, or how much money they make, they are the no different than those who opposed the original Boston Tea Party of 1773, favoring instead the mythical power and influence of the tyrannical King George.


Remember this—Tyrants and Traitors of Our Freedom—when the day comes that you find yourself void of the freedoms which you’ve come to take for granted, yea, even that day when the very freedom which permits you to mock and scorn in the name of journalism is eliminated, don’t ask me to defend you, for I will truly “know you not.”  Instead I will be focused and fighting solely for those who have a deep-seeded virtue of Freedom within them.  


Copyright 2009 Kellene Bishop. All rights reserved.

You are welcome to repost this information so long as it is credited to Kellene Bishop.  


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